Dorothy Bedford developed a passion for youth sports concussion safety following a daughter’s 14-month concussion in 2010. The family’s story of recovery was published as “The Unmarked Detour.” As a board of education member at that time, she worked with colleagues to develop concussion-forward policies within the district.  Subsequently, she moved into advocacy at the state and national level, as the need for educators to step into the national discussion on concussion safety, prevention and recovery became evident. 

She is a member of the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) Committee F08 on Sports Equipment and Facilities, a standard-setting body, and currently co-chairs F08.53’s task group on revising soccer headband standards. Dorothy holds an A.B (Princeton University) and M.B.A. (Harvard). She lives in Valley Forge, PA with her husband of 30 years; they have three grown daughters.